Sunday, July 1, 2012

Alright, here we go!

Like every other blogger on the universe, I always have a million thoughts running through my head.  If I'm stressed, I take it out on my husband.  If I'm in a creative mood, I turn to Pinterest & get sewing.  If I'm relaxed and happy.. well... it's usually a result of an adult beverage.  Seriously - I never wake up in the morning and think to myself, "Wow, I feel so relaxed and at peace, I guess I'll just appreciate the day!"  The first word sound I make in the morning is "uuuggghhhhhh....." and then I send some ESP signals to my daughter to stop whining/crying/kicking me in the face/calling my name.  My chocolate lab rubs his face alongside my mattress (gross, I know), shakes his head a bajillion times, and paces until we let him outside.  When I get annoyed enough, then (and only then) do I roll out of bed to change the baby's diaper, let the dog out, feed the dog, make the coffee, and shove some kind of food down my throat.  So, you see, I'm not a morning person.  What was my point again?  Oh yeah, after doing that everysinglemorningdayafterday, I rarely feel *joyful* and *ready* for the day.  I'm no where near being an alcoholic, but at the end of the day, it certainly feels nice to have a beer and sit on my couch and watch some sort of trashy reality show.  I feel better about my life, think about how much I appreciate the things I have and feel pretty good about the direction it's headed.. until I wake up at 6am the next day by the baby whining/crying/kicking me in the face/calling my name and that damn dog rubbing his face alongside my mattress.  It's an incredibly vicious cycle.

So, I have a lot to say.  The things currently on my mind: turning 30 in 13 days (eek!), trying to sell our house, wondering why the child has insane temper tantrums, thinking of when I will have time to write a blog post numerous times throughout the week (it's like free therapy though, right?), I have crafty things to make (when will they get done?), why do I do laundry everyday and there is always more to do, I think I need to go grocery shopping, my glasses don't fit correctly, and I'm kinda hot (houses built 100 years ago don't have the best insulation).

{hello, hi today} is a place for me to vent, share inspirations, and show off my crafty skills.  It's a place for me to wake up in the morning and feel motivated about the day.  It's a place for YOU to feel motivated about your own lives.  It's a place for somebody, anybody to feel like they're not alone, because I promise, I've been there too.  Let's enjoy the ride together! :)


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